A Word of Thanks to All Veterans

My grandfather was one of the greatest influences in my life. He was an avid fisherman, a mediocre golfer, and a very good poker player (and I’m not sure he always played fair). He shared a good deal of his life and his wisdom with my brother and my sisters, but one part of his life was very private. My grandfather was a veteran of World War 2. He served as a tail gunner on a B52 over the European theatre. He was shot down in an aerial battle over Yugoslavia and spent approximately six months in a prison camp as a prisoner of war. His freedom came when a band of rebels overtook the Nazi prison camp.

His freedom came at a cost. He was free from imprisonment, but the Yugoslavian rebels did not have sufficient food to feed the prisoners, so my grandfather and his fellow soldiers traveled by night through Europe until they arrived at Allied-occupied France. Emaciated and wounded, my grandfather came home to start the rest of his life.

Through his experiences in the military were too painful for him to relive; he was a patriot through and through. He taught his grandchildren to stand during the national anthem and to honor the country that he fought to protect.

He also taught us gratitude for those who have served their country because a nation that refuses to honor those who are willing to give the ultimate sacrifice is a country that is not worthy of their service.

As a pastor, I have the privilege of serving in a spiritual capacity many who have served their country. On this Veteran’s day, my prayer is that you will know the gratitude of your church and your country and that you will feel the appreciation that your country has for you.

To all of our veterans.

We recognize that you have sacrificed for the men and women of your country. Many of you have put yourself in harm’s way to protect the safety, freedoms, and values that have made America the best country on the earth. My prayer for you this evening is that you will lay your head on your pillow feeling loved and appreciated by your country, your church, and your pastor.

Thank you, and may God continue to bless you.





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